Sunday, March 23, 2008

up the SAHDS!

oh, man.

i totally love and respect all the stay-at-home-dads (SAHDs).

mine is the best!

you guys take shit from patriarchal bastards, deal with whiny kids all day, and support your partners' decisions/rights to have a job outside the home.

i had a hard day today. i worked all night last night (7p - 7a) and couldn't really sleep well today. but he kept the kids, had them stay relatively quiet, read them books, homeschooled, took them for a hike, drove around until the 2 yo fell asleep, and made me coffee for when i woke up. fucking awesome. i am too lucky.

i like my job. i don't love it; it's a job, you know? but i surely like it better than any job my partner had when i was pregnant, new mothering, and/or going to school. and i make twice as much money as he did. that helps.

i have recently added some links (see right) to some SAHD and radical parenting blogs.

SAHD blogs:

  • daddy dialectic
  • lesbian dad

radical parenting blogs:

  • anti-racist parent
  • ariel gore
  • my mother wears combat boots
  • rad dad

on another note, i linked to laura shanley's blog on free birth (aka unassisted childbirth).

on still another note, i'm seriously thinking about getting my IUD out. i have the mirena. i have been unexplainably depressed lately, had zero libido (hey, that kind of rhymes) and have gained a bunch of weight. but mostly it's just uncomfortable all the time.

i just don't want to have any more babies. it's a conundrum.


Lauren said...

im so freaking happy with my iud. i have the non-hormonal one and i finally have a regular cycle somehow. not having to worry about being preggers again is a dream.

it really makes you understand why sex has not historically been a thing of enjoyment for women. not getting pregnant sure makes it a hell of a lot more fun.

being depressed and feeling yucky takes the fun out of it.

do i want to worry and enjoy sex less or do i feel like shit or mess up my body?

yay for good dads!

ktg said...

yeah. i'm not so freaking happy with mine. it's not even the "hormonal"-type side effects as much as it is the DISCOMFORT. i can always FEEL it.

but then i started thinking i was feeling sad more (maybe it's coz i work nights) and want to have sex less (also maybe the whole tired-all-the-time thing coz i work nights). yeah. maybe it's all just excuses.

maybe i just want to have babies again really bad.

i certainly wouldn't rather i had the copper one. i just hate FEELING it. ugh.